Brandiscover™ Strategy
Plaster & Drywall Contractors
ADS One Liner
Questions to answer when developing the best One-Liner:
What is potential customer’s problem(s)?
What is our plan to help them?
What does their successful ending look like?
ADS One Liner — Since most general contractors struggle with finding the right drywall contractor that is reliable and knowledgeable, we’ve developed a hands-on efficient process called Value Engineering that keeps all of our project, no matter the size, on time and within your budget.
ADS Target Market
The target market is defined as the one who purchases, or is the greatest influencer of purchasing. ADS Target Market — Male 35-55
Let’s call her “Sammy Sheetrock”
He is usually married with children or grandchildren
He lives in the Tidewater area of Hampton Roads
He is conscious of controlling the management process of all project contractors
This doesn’t mean that the message will not resonate with other demographics. It simply means that Sammy Sheetrock has the greatest purchasing power influence.
ADS Brand Personality
This doesn’t mean that, at times, other personalities aren’t exposed. This simply means that the dominant brand personality expands leads and sales.
ADS Lead Magnet
Lead Magnets are strictly used to drive new leads to ADS. A simple 30-45 second personal invitation video from ADS’s Mark and Chris should introduce the Lead Magnet. This gives the invitation a personal touch, making a prospect feel more welcomed.
Here’s a couple of suggestions for lead magnets:
CPCC Bullseye Product
Putting it all together
The 3-step Plan for Hiring ADS
Customer Journey
Here’s a hypothetical journey of how the typical target audience may respond to the revised ADS online presence:
1-Page Marketing Plan
Target Market — “Sammy Sheetrock”
The Message to my Target Market
ADS a proven strategy to keep drywall project on time and within budget
ADS works as a guide so that General Contractors can maintain control of their overall project
ADS is honest and reliable with nearly 90 years of business in Hampton Roads
ADS understands what a General Contractor needs to complete their overall project
The Media I Should Use for my Target Market — Email / Video / Social / Digital
Lead Capture System —
“How to Find the Right Drywall Contractor” video
“How to Save up to 15% on Your Drywall Project by Following These 3 Easy Steps” PDF Download
“The Top 10 Ways to Know You’ve Found the Right Drywall Contractor” PDF Download
Lead Nurturing System —
Emails strategy
Ongoing Social Media/Blog content publication
Personal Calls/meeting
Sales Conversion Strategy —
Offering 3 tiers of management pricing
Offering bonuses if client makes decision in a certain timeframe
Offering online payments
Bold call-to-action buttons and links such as “Download PDF”, or “FREE Value Engineering Plan”
Delivery A World-Class Experience
Increasing Customer Lifetime Value
Orchestrating and Stimulating Referrals